
Make your voice heard by letting lawmakers and members of your community know why you support energy policies that promote exploration, development and production of oil and natural gas.

Take Action Now!

  • Write a letter

    Tell policymakers why you support balanced and pragmatic energy policies.

  • Sign our petition

    Sign our petition to raise your voice in support of expanding oil and natural gas development in order to create jobs, bolster the economy and strengthen our communities and our country.

  • Share your power story

    Join the discussion and share your story today! Tell us more about why you support policies that promote the safe and environmentally responsible production of natural gas and oil. Share a personal story of how you and your community are benefitting and why you’re participating in Power in Cooperation.

  • Share the message

    Tell the story and help grow the network! Invite your friends, family and co-workers to be part of Power in Cooperation.
