
When we decided to create Power in Cooperation, one of the driving factors was the belief that our country is best when we foster inclusion and promote a diverse exchange of ideas. We believe in encouraging dialogue to seek common ground because we recognize securing our energy future is a highly complicated endeavor in which no one person or entity has all the answers. This isn't a one-time exercise or isolated effort. It's a constant commitment to creating a culture that values all people and perspectives. 

That belief is why we are proud to support the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation and Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute. Both organizations are developing the next generation of leaders and promoting a platform that gives all communities equal voices in public policy through civic engagement. 

To put this into action, several ConocoPhillips employees recently had the opportunity to meet and exchange thoughts with policymakers and elected officials at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation and Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute events in Washington, D.C. They attended workshops on topics such as career development, wealth management and self-improvement, and engaged in rich conversations about diversity, education, and equality. 

Texas-based ConocoPhillips employee Tami Hunter was excited to meet and talk with two members of the Texas Congressional Delegation - Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and Congressman Al Green. "The experience gave me a deeper understanding and appreciation of the legislative process. I now intend to serve as an advocate and provide feedback to management on how we can improve on our efforts to drive diversity and inclusion within ConocoPhillips," said Hunter, who works in supply chain and is a member of the Black Employee Network.

Left to right: ConocoPhillips employees Maalika Moore-Thomas, Kevin Avery, Rosal Cauthen,
John Dabbar and Tami Hunter at the Phoenix dinner for Congressional Black Caucus Foundation

Left to right: Congressman Al Green and ConocoPhillips employees Tami Hunter and Maalika Moore-Thomas
at the Phoenix Awards dinner for the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation

Lorena Van Metre, a ConocoPhillips projects execution engineer supervisor and lead of the Hispanic Network, said that advocating on behalf of the industry and company was the best part of her time in Washington, noting that the experience underscored the importance of voter education and involvement. "It was so rewarding to get to meet and talk with people in government, to let them know that we care about a sustainable future and are responsible members of the community. We discussed how we are minimizing our surface footprint and water use, and I believe they appreciated getting to know who we are and what we stand for," she said.

Left to right: ConocoPhillips employees Jackie Cervantes, Maria Torres, Actor J.W. Cortes and 
ConocoPhillips employee Lorena Van Metre at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute reception

Left to right: ConocoPhillips employees Maria Torres, Lorena Van Metre and Jackie Cervantes
at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute 

Our efforts in diversity and inclusion extend beyond what we are doing to support external organizations like the two congressional caucuses. At ConocoPhillips, valuing everyone's contribution isn't something we just talk about - we put it into practice each day. We believe that our employees' diverse backgrounds and perspectives drive our success. This commitment is why we are honored to participate in the Business Roundtable's inaugural Advancing Diversity and Inclusion report, which documented our efforts to foster an inclusive work environment. The Business Roundtable, an association comprised of chief executive officers of leading U.S. companies, produced this report to publicize the successes of some of the largest U.S. employers in "building a more diverse and inclusive environment, enabling everyone to be and do his or her best."

While there are many ways to participate in the democratic process, voting is the cornerstone, supported by actions like becoming informed on issues and writing your elected representatives with your views. Whoever you are, wherever you are, we encourage you to participate. Your vote is your voice - make it heard.

More information about voting deadlines and locations can be found in our Voter Information center.

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